From Solarpunk Press issue 4, "The Squeaky Wheel," by Sara Kate Ellis.
Art by Rachel Kalner
Released jointly by Rachel Kalner and by Solarpunk Press under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
We commission an original piece of artwork to go with each new story for Solarpunk Press, and we want that artwork to have a life outside its role as the image on the story's web page. So, when each new work comes out, we're releasing it jointly with the artists under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial Share-Alike license.
That means if you want to use it to hang on your wall, or put it in a collage, or make a weird, screechy music track out of the data of the image, or crop it and use it as an avatar on a forum, you can do so, but (a) you can't profit off it, (b) you have to credit both the artist and Solarpunk Press, and (c) you have to share the resulting artwork under the same license, or a comparably permissive one.
Both Solarpunk Press and the original artist retain copyright over the work, too, so either party can authorize use of the work outside these terms.
From Solarpunk Press issue 4, "The Squeaky Wheel," by Sara Kate Ellis.
Art by Rachel Kalner
Released jointly by Rachel Kalner and by Solarpunk Press under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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010: "The Flying Camel Goes to Tigerwood" by Lisa M. Bradley
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